Given a string s, task is to count the number of ways of splitting s into three non-empty parts a, b and c in such a way that a + b, b + c and c + a are all different strings.
NOTE: + refers to string concatenation.
For s = "xzxzx", the output should be countWaysToSplit(s) = 5.
Consider all the ways to split s into three non-empty parts:
If a = "x", b = "z" and c = "xzx", then all a + b = "xz", b + c = "zxzx" and c + a = xzxx are different.
If a = "x", b = "zx" and c = "zx", then all a + b = "xzx", b + c = "zxzx" and c + a = zxx are different.
If a = "x", b = "zxz" and c = "x", then all a + b = "xzxz", b + c = "zxzx" and c + a = xx are different.
If a = "xz", b = "x" and c = "zx", then a + b = b + c = "xzx". Hence, this split is not counted.
If a = "xz", b = "xz" and c = "x", then all a + b = "xzxz", b + c = "xzx" and c + a = xxz are different.
If a = "xzx", b = "z" and c = "x", then all a + b = "xzxz", b + c = "zx" and c + a = xxzx are different.
Since there are five valid ways to split s, the answer is 5.
My code for this was
static int countWaysToSplit(String s) {
int n = s.length();
int answer = 0;
// Loop to choose the partition
// index for the String
for (int i = 1; i <= n / 2; i++) {
String left = s.substring(0, i);
for (int j = i; j <= n / 2; j++) {
String middle = s.substring(j, n / 2 + 1); //
String right = s.substring(middle.length() + 1, n);
if (!(middle.equals(right)) || !(middle.equals(left)) || !(right.equals(left))) {
return answer;
The answer I was getting was 3 instead of 5.
If there is a more efficient way to achieve the given solution.
I only have a very straight-forward brute force code and I do not have better solution right now. It works for the test case in the sample.
public int count(String str) {
int len = str.length();
int count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= len - 2; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j <= len - 1; j++) {
// Separate the String into three parts with different index range, each lenght is at least 1
// String a = str.substring(0, i); // [0, i - 1]
// String b = str.substring(i, j); // [i, j - 1]
// String c = str.substring(j, len); // [j, len - 1]
String ab = str.substring(0, j); // this is [0, i - 1] + [i, j - 1] = [0, j - 1];
String bc = str.substring(i, len); // this [i, j - 1] + [j, len - 1] = [i, len - 1];
String ca = str.substring(j, len) + str.substring(0, i); // this is [j, len - 1] + [0, i - 1]
if (!(ab.equals(bc) || bc.equals(ca) || ca.equals(ab))) { // check if the three concatenation are the same, if not, add it to the count
return count;
Answered By - XTX-TXT
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