I created the following Flutter test for my widget
testWidgets("", (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(
create: (context) => SettingsViewProvider(),
child: MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: [S.delegate],
home: SettingsScreen(),
final textFormFieldFinder = find.byElementType(TextFormField);
await tester.pump();
expect(textFormFieldFinder, findsNWidgets(3));
The widget is a stateful widget which uses a ChangeNotifierProvider and the Consumer surrounds a List of three "TextFormFields".
builder: (context, value, child)=> Column(
children: [TextFormField(...), TextFormField(...), TextFormField(...)];
Expected: exactly 3 matching nodes in the widget tree
Actual: _ElementTypeFinder:
Which: means none were found but some were expected
Unfortunatly I receive that no widget is found in the widget tree.
As pointed out before, you should be using find.byType
which is aimed at seaching Widgets rather than find.byElementType
which deals with Elements.
Flutter has 3 UI building blocks:
(immutable) -> Elements
(mutable) -> Render Objects
-- they are not inherited from one another, those are separate types of objects with different purposes.
is a Widget
, while it is being passed to find.byElementType
which expects an ancestor of Element
Answered By - Maxim Saplin
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