I'm trying to setup new MacBook as a build server remotely for xamarin projects. It is in my office and I connect there with rdp from Windows 10 from home.
On MacBook: installed Xcode, Apple Developer Tools, Transporter. On windows: connected to mac, entered AppleID in visual Studio, enabled Automatic Provisioning. Then I build my Xamarin.Forms ios project in "AppStore" configuration and it's ok. Then I click "Archive" on that project and get error message from Visual Studio Archive Manager:
Selected device doesn't support archiving.
The selected ios device is not supported for creating an archive.
Please select a remote device from the drop-down menu before archiving.
Do I have to have iPhone to build my app? Where - in MacBook location or at home?
Archiving of a new default project works in Xcode (the active scheme is set to "Any iOS device (arm64)"). The error is in visual studio.
Visual Studio 2019 - (16.11.2) XCode 12.5.1
It seems that remote device
option does not show in drop menu in VS 16.11 .
Check the similar cases : here and here .
Try to downgrade Visual studio to 16.10.x to see if problem persists.
You can download the older version from this link .
Answered By - ColeX - MSFT
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