I have run into this problem.
I have (at least) 6 coroutines which works on a map which is managed through a mutex.
Sometimes I need to cancel one, more or all the coroutines in different scenarios.
What is the best way to cope with the mutex when cancelling the coroutine(s) ? (The fact is that I really don't know if the cancelling coroutine was the one which locked the mutex). Do the mutex "system" has any neat trick to cope with this ?
ADDITION 2021.09.30 11:28 GMT+2 (DST)
My coding is fairly complex, so I simplify it and show the main problem here
class HomeFragment:Fragment(){
private lateinit var googleMap:GoogleMap
val mapMutex = Mutex()
override fun onViewCreated(view:View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding.fragmentHomeMapView?.geMapAsync { _googleMap ->
_googleMap?.let{ safeGoogleMap ->
googleMap = safeGoogleMap
Message.error("Error creating map (null)")
homeViewModel.apply {
//observer & coroutine 1
//Here I want to stop the lifecycleScope job below if it is already
//running and do some cleanup before entering (do I need to access the
//mutex if cleanup influence the google map ?)
//If I cancel the job, will the mutex then unlock gracefully ?
flaggedMapDetailResult?.apply {
lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted { //Here I want to catch the job with i.e 'flagJob = lifeCycleScope.launchWhe...'
mapMutex.withLock { //suspends if locked
... // Doing some cleanup... removing markers
... // Creating new markers
var flaggedSiteMarkerLatLng = coordinateSiteLatitude?.let safeLatitude@{safeLatitude->
return@safeLatitude coordinateSiteLongitude?.let safeLongitude@{safeLongitude->
return@safeLongitude LatLng(safeLatitude,safeLongitude)
flaggedSiteMarkerLatLng?.let { safeFlaggedSiteMarkerLatLng ->
val selectedSiteOptions =
.snippet(appointmentName?:"Name is missing")
selectedSiteMarker = withContext(Dispatchers.Main){
it.tag = siteId
... //Do some more adding
} //End mutex
}//End dispatchers default
}//End lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted
}?:let{//End apply
...//Cleanup if no data present
lifeCycleScope.launchWhenStarted{ //Shoud harvest Job and stop above
//if it is called before ending...
//if necessary
//Cleanup markers
}//End observer 1
//observer 2
){mapDetailList ->
//Should check if job below is running and cancel gracefully and
//clean up data
...//Do some work on mapDetailList and create new datasets
lifecycleScope.launchWhenStarted{ //Scope start (should harvest job)
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) //Default context
...//Do some heavy work on list (no need for mutex)
mapMutex.withLock {
//Do work on googlemap. Move camera etc.
...//Do other not map related work
mapMutex.withLock {
//Do work on googlemap. Move camera etc.
...//Do other not map related work
mapMutex.withLock {
//Do work on googlemap. Move camera etc.
}//end mutex
}//end scope
}//end observer 2
}//end viewmode
}//end gogleMap
Generally, a cancel
is a normal exception, which you can just catch in order to run clean-up operations, you can see the example on closing resources.
In addition, since you can still by cancelled during clean-up, for critical operations you can prevent further cancellation. Put together your job can have something like:
try {
// locked stuff
} finally {
withContext(NonCancellable) {
// clean up
I think NonCancellable
is overdoing it in the case of only an unlock since it is supposed to be atomic, but I am not sure. If this is the case, I just looked up this pattern and apparently this is so common they have something more nifty:
mutex.withLock {
// locked stuff
As it says in the link
There is also withLock extension function that conveniently represents
mutex.lock(); try { ... } finally { mutex.unlock() }
Answered By - kabanus
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