package com.example.tipcalculator
import android.os.Bundle
import android.widget.Button
import android.widget.EditText
import android.widget.TextView
import kotlin.text.toFloat as kotlinTextToFloat
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val tenPerTip: Button = findViewById(
val fifteenPerTip: Button = findViewById(
val twentyPerTip: Button = findViewById(
val customTip: Button = findViewById(
val sumRaw: EditText = findViewById(
val tipOnlyResult: TextView = findViewById(
val totalResult: TextView = findViewById(
val sumString = sumRaw.toString()
val sumInput = sumString.toInt()
val sumTotal = sumInput * 1.1
val tipOnly = sumInput * 0.1
tipOnlyResult.text = tipOnly.toString()
totalResult.text = sumTotal.toString()
I was trying to switch the EditText input to a string and from there to a float so that I can do calculations on it. On the line with val sumInput = sumString.toInt()
the code breaks. It will compile, but when I try to run an emulator it casts error codes about the toInt
declaration. The code is using toInt in this because I was trying to see if the emulator would like that. Also whenever I declare that toInt
it highlights in a light yellow italic font, which I haven't seen before.
I have Edited your code. Changes to the code is explained with the comments below.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val tenPerTip: Button = findViewById(
val fifteenPerTip: Button = findViewById(
val twentyPerTip: Button = findViewById(
val customTip: Button = findViewById(
val sumRaw: EditText = findViewById(
val tipOnlyResult: TextView = findViewById(
val totalResult: TextView = findViewById(
/** if you put sumString and sumInput here, what happens is when your app
* is created and the onCreate method is called sumString is initialized
* here without using .text, i.e., sumRaw.text command what happens is sumString
* will be initialized with sumRaw value (i guess maybe sumRaw id) and you will
* get error.
* Also, this is only called once when all the other variable are initialized.
* If you want to use it outside use a TextWatcher and change the variable as
* soon as it is updated in the EditText.
* A work-around would be initializing this value inside OnClickListener, what
* happens here is whenever you click tenPerTip Button sumString is Initialized
* with current values in sumRaw EditText.
* Do use .text else it will give errors.
tenPerTip.setOnClickListener {
val sumString = sumRaw.text.toString()
// what happens here is sumString is converted to Double if it has valid pattern
// else it will return null
// And then the elvis operator will check for null. If its null, it will not
// not proceed further and will get out the listener.
val sumInput = sumString.toDoubleOrNull() ?: return@setOnClickListener
val sumTotal = sumInput * 1.1
val tipOnly = sumInput * 0.1
tipOnlyResult.text = tipOnly.toString()
totalResult.text = sumTotal.toString()
fifteenPerTip.setOnClickListener {
twentyPerTip.setOnClickListener {
customTip.setOnClickListener {
Answered By - lets start coding
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