I have an ion-textarea
in which user can write some content, and I would like to get this text after a button is clicked.
This is the html:
<ion-textarea [(ngModel)]="myInput" (ionInput)="getItems($event)" placeholder="New Info"></ion-textarea>
<button ion-button class="card-button" color="secondary"
(click)="addInfo()"> <ion-icon name="add-circle" class="icona-bottone"></ion-
icon>Add Info</button>
I've tried doing this in my .ts file:
getItems(textarea) {
// set q to the value of the textarea
var q = textarea.srcElement.value;
this.textSearch = q;
console.log("You wrote " + this.textSearch)
but it prints "You wrote undefined
". What is the correct way to get the text as a string and use it?
Since you have used 2-way data bind you can do as shown below.
<ion-textarea [(ngModel)]="myInput" placeholder="New Info"></ion-textarea>
console.log(this.myInput);//this is your textarea value
Answered By - Sampath
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