I am using pjsip library through android ndk. I used Android NDK 16 to compile pjsip. One user (HTC One, Android 5.0.2) faced a lot of crashes while trying to start our project. This is the error:
Fatal Exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "stdin" referenced by ""...
... .PjSipApp.<clinit>
In the project we have .so-files for 4 abis, as stated in google android ndk official docs: arm64-v8a, armeabi-v7a, x86, x86_64. Here is how I load libraries in code:
public class PjSipApp {
private static final String TAG = "Pjsua-PjSipApp";
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ignore) {
Log.v(TAG, "LibraryLoaded");
So System.loadLibrary("pjsua2");
throws this UnsatisfiedLinkError
Maybe anyone knows, what is the reason for this?
You probably compiled binaries with a higher API Level.
This is how they are defined in stdio.h
#if __ANDROID_API__ >= 23
extern FILE* stdin __INTRODUCED_IN(23);
extern FILE* stdout __INTRODUCED_IN(23);
extern FILE* stderr __INTRODUCED_IN(23);
/* C99 and earlier plus current C++ standards say these must be macros. */
#define stdin stdin
#define stdout stdout
#define stderr stderr
/* Before M the actual symbols for stdin and friends had different names. */
extern FILE __sF[] __REMOVED_IN(23);
#define stdin (&__sF[0])
#define stdout (&__sF[1])
#define stderr (&__sF[2])
So, if you built for API level >= 23, the symbol will resolve to File* stdin
which doesn't exist in API < 23. I'd suggest to reduce the API level.
Answered By - codeconscious
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