I'm running windows 10 with Android Studios installed but I'm doing all this from the command line. I downloaded the latest android sdk. then i downloaded project files from github.
I ran a build ndk-build. i assume it is successful because it took about 20 minutes or so. In a sub folder libs/mips
where files were generated:
, and
Then I tried to run an android update project command like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools>android update project -p c:\tess\tess-two
I made sure that inside the tess-two folder there is AndroidManifest.xml
I get this error message:
Error: The project either has no target set or the target is invalid.
Please provide a --target to the 'android.bat update' command.
After researching the Android Development page I ran this command :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools>android list targets
the result was just a single line with no lists if targets like this without an error message or anything:
Available Android targets:
How can i get the project to update as the example I'm trying to follow here suggests.
I tried solution found here "android list target" show nothing for AOSP build ...but got error message that i needed a target id before I could build an AVD.
I tried some random target IDas but they were not valid..What am i doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.
EDIT: NEW INFO Thanks for helping, I got the list by using: "android list" instead of "android target list". Must be a windows version; I just upgraded to Windows 10.
So here's what I got. The thing is how do I know which target id to use? In my AndroidManifest.xml file I see this attribute:
android:targetSdkVersion="20" />
I have three folders: "armeabi-v7a","mips","x860". Each folder has three files: "","","". Is the list of targets that I found related to the targetSdkVersion or any of the three library files?
I'm not sure which one to use with android update project --path . --target.
Here's the list that was found:
C:\android-sdk\android-sdk-windows\platforms>android list Available Android targets: Available Android Virtual Devices:
The following Android Virtual Devices could not be loaded: Name: Nexus_5_API_22_x86 Path: C:\\avd\Nexus_5_API_22_x86.avd Error: Unknown target 'Google Inc.:Google APIs:22' in C:\ \avd\Nexus_5_API_22_x86.ini Available devices definitions: id: 0 or "tv_1080p" Name: Android TV (1080p) OEM : Google
Tag : android-tv
id: 1 or "tv_720p" Name: Android TV (720p) OEM : Google
Tag : android-tv
id: 2 or "wear_round" Name: Android Wear Round OEM : Google
Tag : android-wear
id: 3 or "wear_square" Name: Android Wear Square OEM : Google
Tag : android-wear
id: 4 or "Galaxy Nexus" Name: Galaxy Nexus
OEM : Google
id: 5 or "Nexus 10" Name: Nexus 10
OEM : Google
id: 6 or "Nexus 4" Name: Nexus 4
OEM : Google
id: 7 or "Nexus 5" Name: Nexus 5
OEM : Google
id: 8 or "Nexus 6" Name: Nexus 6
OEM : Google
id: 9 or "Nexus 7 2013" Name: Nexus 7
OEM : Google
id: 10 or "Nexus 7" Name: Nexus 7 (2012)
OEM : Google
id: 11 or "Nexus 9" Name: Nexus 9
OEM : Google
id: 12 or "Nexus One" Name: Nexus One
OEM : Google
id: 13 or "Nexus S" Name: Nexus S
OEM : Google
id: 14 or "2.7in QVGA" Name: 2.7" QVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 15 or "2.7in QVGA slider" Name: 2.7" QVGA slider
OEM : Generic
id: 16 or "3.2in HVGA slider (ADP1)" Name: 3.2" HVGA slider (ADP1)
OEM : Generic
id: 17 or "3.2in QVGA (ADP2)" Name: 3.2" QVGA (ADP2)
OEM : Generic
id: 18 or "3.3in WQVGA" Name: 3.3" WQVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 19 or "3.4in WQVGA" Name: 3.4" WQVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 20 or "3.7 FWVGA slider" Name: 3.7" FWVGA slider
OEM : Generic
id: 21 or "3.7in WVGA (Nexus One)" Name: 3.7" WVGA (Nexus One)
OEM : Generic
id: 22 or "4in WVGA (Nexus S)" Name: 4" WVGA (Nexus S)
OEM : Generic
id: 23 or "4.65in 720p (Galaxy Nexus)" Name: 4.65" 720p (Galaxy Nexus)
OEM : Generic
id: 24 or "4.7in WXGA" Name: 4.7" WXGA
OEM : Generic
id: 25 or "5.1in WVGA" Name: 5.1" WVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 26 or "5.4in FWVGA" Name: 5.4" FWVGA
OEM : Generic
id: 27 or "7in WSVGA (Tablet)" Name: 7" WSVGA (Tablet)
OEM : Generic
id: 28 or "10.1in WXGA (Tablet)" Name: 10.1" WXGA (Tablet) OEM : Generic
To ensure that you have at least one target available for use, navigate to your sdk/installation/path/platforms
and see if you have any version of android in there.
This is the output I get with android list targets
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jayatanaag.jar
Available Android targets:
id: 1 or "android-19"
Name: Android 4.4.2
Type: Platform
API level: 19
Revision: 4
Skins: HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800 (default), WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in
Tag/ABIs : default/armeabi-v7a
id: 2 or "android-22"
Name: Android 5.1.1
Type: Platform
API level: 22
Revision: 2
Skins: HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800 (default), WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in
Tag/ABIs : android-tv/armeabi-v7a, android-tv/x86, default/armeabi-v7a, default/x86, default/x86_64
id: 3 or "android-23"
Name: Android 6.0
Type: Platform
API level: 23
Revision: 1
Skins: HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800 (default), WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in
Tag/ABIs : default/armeabi-v7a, default/x86, default/x86_64
id: 4 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs (x86 System Image):19"
Name: Google APIs (x86 System Image)
Type: Add-On
Vendor: Google Inc.
Revision: 15
Description: Android x86 + Google APIs
Based on Android 4.4.2 (API level 19)
* (usb.jar)
API for USB Accessories
* (effects.jar)
Collection of video effects
* (maps.jar)
API for Google Maps
Skins: HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800 (default), WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in
Tag/ABIs : default/x86
id: 5 or "Google Inc.:Google APIs:22"
Name: Google APIs
Type: Add-On
Vendor: Google Inc.
Revision: 1
Description: Android + Google APIs
Based on Android 5.1.1 (API level 22)
* (usb.jar)
API for USB Accessories
* (effects.jar)
Collection of video effects
* (maps.jar)
API for Google Maps
Skins: HVGA, QVGA, WQVGA400, WQVGA432, WSVGA, WVGA800 (default), WVGA854, WXGA720, WXGA800, WXGA800-7in
Tag/ABIs : google_apis/armeabi-v7a, google_apis/x86, google_apis/x86_64
I see you are building tess-two
, so this is the command I used when I got to that part:
android update project --path . --target 3
Note I used .
as the path because I was already in the tess-two
folder and .
in linux represents the current folder.
Answered By - smac89
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