I'm creating an android app in Unity(I'm coding in C#), I'm nearly done just need to add some final tweaks for it to make sense. Currently I'm having trouble with getting a profile picture for users profile. I would like that when a user presses a button his android gallery opens and when he chooses a picture it is displayed in the app, and sent to database. So something like this
public Button ChangeImage;
public Image ProfilePicture;
void Start()
void ChangeImageClicked()
//here gallery would open and selected image would be returned
//ProiflePicture = ChoosenImage
I googled for a solution for about a week now but didn't manage to find it. I read about Intents but C# doesn't recognise them. All help will be greatly apriciated.
There are various plugins that handle this for you nicely. One of them is NativeGalery. I have used it myself for a project.
A snippet from my code:
public Image LocalProfileImage;
public void ShowMediaPicker()
if (Application.isEditor)
// Do something else, since the plugin does not work inside the editor
NativeGallery.GetImageFromGallery((path) =>
Texture2D texture = NativeGallery.LoadImageAtPath(path);
if (texture == null)
Debug.Log("Couldn't load texture from " + path);
LocalProfileImage.sprite = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height),;
The UploadNewProfileImage(path);
is a function of mine that sends the image to a database. Basically you should retrieve the image from the path and then convert it into bytes using a streamreader.
Answered By - Immorality
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