Can we find our C++ code in a signed APK by profiling it by using Android Studio profiler? If we can find then what is the path of that file in the .apk file.
How the Android Studio package a C++ file while building signed apk of an app?
Can we find our C++ code in a signed APK by profiling it by using Android Studio profiler?
No. The Android Profiler is used to gather data on CPU, memory and network usage.
You could use the APK Analyzer to view information about your APK, but even that won't show you the source code of your C++, and if it's a properly compiled APK it wouldn't even show you the source code of your Java either.
How the Android Studio package a C++ file while building signed apk of an app?
A C++ source file is compiled as native code, in this way, a system library is built that is then linked against in your Java project via JNI.
That being said, if one was so inclined, there is nothing stopping them from grabbing your APK, analyzing it, finding the specific libraries that are not Java byte code, decompile them in some tool like IDA or just running it through a debugger/disassembler and reverse engineering your code to figure it out themselves (this is how we have emulators for video game consoles after all), but that takes a lot of time.
Answered By - txtechhelp
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