I am developing an android app with sdk 28 in android studio 3.3 .
Currently I have two .so files.
The first one was build with ndk-r10e, and in its
, I find APP_STL := gnustl_static
And the second one was build with ndk-r16b, with APP_STL := c++_static
Will this lead to any potential issue?
As Michael said, read What you've done is definitely not compatible. Even if you switch to c++_static for your first library, the libc++ ABI has changed since r10.
We maintain compatibility across NDKs whenever we can, but some bugs require non-compatible changes to fix. It's also not something we actively test. Strictly speaking, you should use the same version of the NDK to build everything in your application. That's not always possible, but you should do so whenever it is.
Answered By - Dan Albert
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