I currently am working on an app that has a list of characters and images associated with each of them.
I want to insert images for all the characters using a for loop without actually hardcoding their image names:
var agentsList = listOf(
for (agent in agentsList) {
dataList.add(DataModel(agent, R.drawable.agent)
Here , R.drawable.agent is where I want to insert the images , but i want the for loop to do it for me using the string resource in agentsList.
I have saved the image using the same strings as the characters in agentsList, so that won't be an issue.
You can use string name to get drawable resource identifier:
for (agent in agentsList) {
val resources: Resources = context.resources
val resourceId: Int = resources.getIdentifier(agent, "drawable", context.packageName)
dataList.add(DataModel(agent, resourceId)
Answered By - Sergey
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