I have run into similar problem like this: [emulator-5554 unauthorized for adb devices [1]
Basically, I am trying to do some flutter programming on an Android Virtual Device with my Windows 10... although I don't think this problem is flutter-specific.
After starting the virtual device, I ran
flutter doctor -v
Everything seemed fine, except for
[!] Connected device
• Device emulator-5554 is not authorized.
You might need to check your device for an authorization dialog.
When I run
flutter devices
I get this:
No devices detected.
Run 'flutter emulators' to list and start any available device emulators.
When I run
flutter emulators
I get
1 available emulator:
To run an emulator, run 'flutter emulators --launch <emulator id>'.
To create a new emulator, run 'flutter emulators --create [--name xyz]'.
For days, I have tried almost everything from the post above.I have googled about it but I haven't found anything that can really solve my problem here: I have tried deleting the AVD and creating a new one; I have tried removing the pair of adbkey files; I have tried killing adb server and restarting; I have tried turning on and off the debugging mode/USB debugging; I have tried wiping the data and cold starting for the AVD; I have tried updating the SDK tools..... I have been repetitively trying all these for days and I still get no success. I wonder what I have done wrong here...
Really hope someone can give me some sound advice here. Thank you in advance!
Note: I created my AVD on Android Studio. I ran flutter doctor
on command prompt. Don't know if that has got anything to do with this.
[1]: emulator-5554 unauthorized for adb devices
I don't know if this is really the solution for it.
Today I have tried creating a different AVD with a different image (Same API level). The new AVD works!
I wonder if it is the case that the old image was buggy or whatsoever - even though that was an official Google Play image.
My new image was not official, I guess, but it works and connects without problem.
Answered By - user2526586
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