I have a ViewPager which shows only one fragment on the screen at a time. This fragment has a recyclerView which is filled with list items that consist of one image and two textViews. I need to select the item and perform a click based on the text displayed.
My viewPage has the Id pager
, the recyclerView is listview
, and I am using the cardView widget which has a relative layout called cardContainer
which has a textView nickNname
that I am interested in.
Espresso only seems to recognize pager
but it cannot find any of the other Id's in the view hierarchy. How can I access nickName
or basically any other view inside the viewPager or fragment?
I have tried the following:
ViewInteraction listviewInteraction = onView (allOf(withId(;
I get the following error as pager does not have any child
Expected: has descendant: with id: 2131689666
Got: "ViewPager{id=2131689659, res-name=pager, visibility=VISIBLE, width=1080, height=1533, has-focus=false, has-focusable=true, has-window-focus=true, is-clickable=false, is-enabled=true, is-focused=false, is-focusable=true, is-layout-requested=false, is-selected=false, root-is-layout-requested=false, has-input-connection=false, x=0.0, y=144.0, child-count=0}"
I have also tried out a few different methods similar to what was posted here but Espresso cannot find listview
or nickname
How can I find the view nickName
I have run a few more tests and it seems the viewPager never loads the fragments when Espresso runs its tests. I have tried using Thread.sleep()
to wait for a while but no luck. I see the listView populated for only a while and then the pager goes blank and the test fails because it cannot find any other views. Any idea on what could be causing this?
The pager loads as normal now but Espresso cannot recognize listview or cardContainer but only pager because of AmbiguousViewMatcherException. There are four fragments in the viewPager but only one fragment is being shown on the screen. My code is as follows:
ViewInteraction listviewInteraction = onView (allOf(withId(;
onView(allOf(withId(, isDisplayed())).check(matches(isDisplayed()));
There are two matches in the view hierarchy. If I don't use the isDisplayed() method in the viewMatcher, then I get four matches for the four fragments. How do I solve this?
There was apparently a listview offscreen even though it was not visible. The matcher isDisplayed()
also takes into account views that are off screen. Using isCompletelyDisplayed()
fixed the AmbiguousViewMatcherException
Answered By - skbrhmn
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