I have a react native component that communicates with Android like this -
My React Native code-
const myModule = NativeModules.MyProcessor;
myModule.processData(obj1, obj2);
My Android code in
is -
public void processData(final Object1 obj1, final Objet2 obj2) {
//Do something here
My object data looks like -
"data1": {
"id": "1",
"name": "john",
"key": "xxxxxxxx"
"details": {
"detailId": "2",
"detailName": "peter",
"counter": 1
I get the 2 objects data1 and details out of which I need both and also detailId.
My question is how do I use these 2 objects in my java?
How do I use these 2 objects Object1 and Object2 in my java?
Answer: Quoted from here:
"The following argument types are supported for methods annotated with @ReactMethod and they directly map to their JavaScript equivalents"
Boolean -> Bool
Integer -> Number
Double -> Number
Float -> Number
String -> String
Callback -> function
ReadableMap -> Object
ReadableArray -> Array
React Native is converting the javascript object into a ReadableMap
So instead of expecting an Object
in the native module, You should implement the method like this:
public void processData(final ReadableMap obj1, final ReadableMap obj2) {
// Parse the ReadableMap using the available interface methods
Those are the available methods in the ReadableMap
interface: Source
public interface ReadableMap {
boolean hasKey(String name);
boolean isNull(String name);
boolean getBoolean(String name);
double getDouble(String name);
int getInt(String name);
String getString(String name);
ReadableArray getArray(String name);
ReadableMap getMap(String name);
Dynamic getDynamic(String name);
ReadableType getType(String name);
ReadableMapKeySetIterator keySetIterator();
HashMap<String, Object> toHashMap();
Following the example object you posted, you can parse your data like this:
ReadableMap data1 = obj1.getMap("data1");
String id = data1.getString("id");
String name = data1.getString("name");
// And so on...
ReadableMap details = obj1.getMap("details");
String detailId = details.getString("detailId");
int counter = details.getInt("counter");
// And so on...
Answered By - HedeH
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