I am trying to load a newspaper URL using my webview. Here is my webview settings:
.run {
javaScriptEnabled = true
builtInZoomControls = true
displayZoomControls = false
domStorageEnabled = true
databaseEnabled = true
loadWithOverviewMode = true
useWideViewPort = true
The url I am trying to load is :
but its not loading, however when I paste this url in browser the url get changed by the browser and it load perfectly. What else I need to do in my webview so that it will act like a browser and change(decode) the url.
p.s: when I load this url in browser the url becomes ""
What is the solution for this?
You are using the shortened URL in the above example. You need to get the final URL in order to load into the webView
. You can get final URL by implementing the following method:
public static String getFinalURL(String url) throws IOException {
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(url).openConnection();
if (con.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM || con.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP) {
String redirectUrl = con.getHeaderField("Location");
return getFinalURL(redirectUrl);
return url;
NB: This method is recursive in-case there are multiple re-directions.
Answered By - tahsinRupam
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