I have a android studio Project with a Webview and a Nav Bar and with the Nav bar I can change between WebViews.
My Problem is that when I but something in my ShoppingCard and switch with the Nav bar to my Shopping Card the Items in there are not Visble how can I solve, this? the ShoppingCard URL ends with .php if this helps
Best Regards T.S
just created a tiny app with two tabs which change two webviews. TAB 1 webview show cart items, other one (TAB 2) show product listing , from product listing i can add product and cart page auto reloaded/refreshed using AndroidCartApp (a JavascriptInterface ) class, and i can see added items in carts, there is no such issue, in this app, other than tabs all is under webviews/htmlapp , maybe you are adding items to cart in other way,
Answered By - surinder singh
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