I am trying to use the Navigation architecture component in my toy app.
First I drew the fragments relationship in my "nav_graph.xml".
For example, I drew 3 fragments A, B, and C like below:
A -> B -> C
So I have 2 actions:
- action_a_to_b
- action_b_to_c
In general, I use the below code to move another fragment.
In A fragment,
In B fragment,
But you may know, there is another way to navigate. The fragment id can be used to navigate directly like below:
In my case, I don't have the action for A to C fragment. But if I use the below code in my A fragment, I can navigate!
Is it a bug? or intented?
This is intentional as per the documentation for navigate()
This supports both navigating via an action and directly navigating to a destination.
If you're using Safe Args, then only actions are supported. This ensures that you're only using the connections you've specified in your graph.
Answered By - ianhanniballake
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