I have one Activity with a viewpager in it and also a frameLayout which is used as a container for fragments that should be drawn above this viewpager.
When I click a button of my Activity a fragment is shown in that framelayout container. On a press in the navigation bar I can close this fragment. All these things work fine when called from the activity itself.
I have now the situation that on a specific action from one of the fragments in the viewpager I invoke a callback which the main activity implements and then shows a fragment in the frame layout.
But here now comes the problem. When I want to navigate back or rather want to close the fragment like I described before, nothing happens.
So in conclusion:
"Fragment show to container" invoked from Activity directly -> I can navigate back from the fragment by getActivity().onBackpressed()
"Fragment show to container" invoke from fragment in viewpager and then delegated to activity -> The navigation back or getActivity().onBackpressed() has no effect.
So my question is: How can I close the fragment in the container even when I call it from one the fragments inside the viewpager of the activity?
Meanwhile I found the problem.. Due to the fact that I am running some kind of update loop, I added the fragments multiple times to the backstack but didn't realize it because the fragment itself didn't change, the new instances just got added to the backstack. So when I called the onBackpressed() method the instances got removed from the backstack but because there were like 200 of them nothing happened.
Answered By - J. Hegg
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