In my Android application, I'm using the following two methods to check if the device is connected to WiFi and if a network connection is available in general. I assume that when the device is connected to WiFi or to a mobile network, also internet is available.
public static boolean wifiConnected(Context context) {
boolean isWifiConn = false;
ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) context.getApplicationContext().getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { network = connMgr.getActiveNetwork();
if (network == null) return false;
NetworkCapabilities capabilities = connMgr.getNetworkCapabilities(network);
if(capabilities != null && capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)){
isWifiConn = true;
} else {
for ( network : connMgr.getAllNetworks()) {
NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr.getNetworkInfo(network);
if (networkInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI && networkInfo.isConnected()) {
isWifiConn = true;
return isWifiConn;
public static boolean isNetworkAvailable(Context context) {
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager
= (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (connectivityManager != null) {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
NetworkCapabilities capabilities = connectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(connectivityManager.getActiveNetwork());
if (capabilities != null) {
if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) {
return true;
} else if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)) {
return true;
} else return capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_ETHERNET);
} else {
NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
return (activeNetworkInfo != null) && activeNetworkInfo.isConnected();
return false;
If the device is connected by VPN the methods return false. Is it possible to extend the methods so that they return true even when the device is connected to a VPN?
There is a specific transport type for a VPN, so all you need to do is add a check for capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_VPN)
Also you can change your API level check from Build.VERSION_CODES.Q
. The only problematic line is connectivityManager.getActiveNetwork()
but this is available in M (API 23).
Answered By - Matt Robertson
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