I have a string separated by ";" like this:
var dataString: String = "Juan;25;Argentina"
And I want to convert it to this sample data class:
data class Person (
var name: String? = "",
var age: Int? = "",
var location: String? = "")
The only way I figured out to that is like this:
var dataString: String = "Juan;25;Argentina"
var fieldList = dataString.split(";").map { it.trim() }
var personItem = Person(fieldList[0], fieldList[1], fieldList[2])
But this is too static, if I then have to add new field to Person data class, I have to manually add fieldList[3]
Which is the most efficient way to do this? (I searched a lot, but couldn't find it :S )
//Data in string
val rawData = "name;age;location\nPerson1;20;USA\nPerson2;30;Germany"
//Custom string reader with ";" separator
val customCSV = csvReader { delimiter = ';' }
//String to map list
val parsed = csvReader().readAllWithHeader(rawData)
//Mal list to list of <Person>
val finalData = grass<Person>().harvest(parsed)
for (entry in entryList) {
//entry is an instance of Person
EDIT2: You can obtain field names for header line like this:
var headerLine = ""
for (entry in Person::class.members) {
if (
headerLine += ";${}"
The string you showed here looks like a CSV dataset. So I think you could use kotlin-grass and kotlin-csv
val rawData = "Person1;20;USA/nPerson1;30;Germany"
val parsed = csvReader().readAllWithHeader(rawData)
val finalData = grass<Person>().harvest(parsed)
Answered By - Daniel
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