How do I inflate the textview with address on the mapview programmatically?
Note: I do not need the textview onCLick/onTap. I just want to show the textview as soon as the map loads.
Thanks, Sowmya
If your objective is to have the text be tied to some geographical coordinate, so if the user scrolls the map the text moves with it, you will need to create a custom Overlay
that paints the text in the desired spot.
If, on the other hand, you simply want some text to overlay the map in a fixed location (e.g., upper-right corner), put the MapView
and a TextView
as children of a RelativeLayout
. Position the TextView
where you want, and make sure it is a later child of the RelativeLayout
(e.g., in XML, it is later in the file). RelativeLayout
supports Z-axis ordering, and so the TextView
will float over the map.
Answered By - CommonsWare
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