My Android App has a few screens where the user can tap a button, and help text pops up in a DialogFragment. Currently the text for these DFs is stored in strings.xml, like this:
<string name="help_content">
<p>Here is some helpful information</p>]]></string>
Obviously, this lets me add styles to the text to make it look better.
In a couple of places, I'd like to explain what some icons do, and I want to include images of the icons, so I'd like to do something like this:
<string name="help_content">
<p><img src="path/to/icon1"> This is what Icon 1 does</p>
<p><img src="path/to/icon2"> This is what Icon 2 does</p>]]></string>
Is there a way to include the images so that they use the actual ones from the app? ie something along the lines of getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.icon_1)
or @drawable/icon_1
or something, which can be referenced from the CDATA. I've tried both of those, but got the red error line.
Thanks to the links above, I figured this out. I have my icons saved as drawables, and did the following:
In the help_content string, I put img tags with the name of the required drawable saved as src:
<string name="help_content">
<p><img src="icon1"> This is what Icon 1 does</p>
<p><img src="icon2"> This is what Icon 2 does</p>]]></string>
Then at the point where I add this string to the TextView, I previously had:
and have replaced it with:
mHelpContent.setText(Html.fromHtml(mText, new ImageGetter(), null));
I then define the ImageGetter class as follows:
private class ImageGetter implements Html.ImageGetter {
public Drawable getDrawable(String source) {
int id;
if((source == null) || (source.equals(""))) {
return null;
}else {
id = mContext.getResources().getIdentifier(
if(id != 0) {
Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(id);
d.setBounds(0, 0,
return d;
}else return null;
This shows the icon as required.
Answered By - Sharon
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