I've setup a relative view with all my elements inside (buttons, images, etc...). It is the title page of my Android application.
Now I would like to overlay "LITE" banner over the whole layout, in the upperleft corner.
My problem is that the "LITE" banner image is an oblique red rubber, and that I need to set its topleft point to (-45,-45) on the screen to only display the part of the image I want (attached is the source image so you can understand what part of the image should be visible on the screen).
I have tried the AbsoluteLayout, the RelativeLayout, to move it programmatically with SetLeft and SetTop, but the negative values are not accepted.
Any idea ?
I'd like to share my experience of this affair with the community...
The idea was to display an oblique "LITE" rubber on the top-left corner of the main screen of my app.
Rod Algonquin's answer was fine. However, it did not completely solve my problem, because I had to adapt the picture's dimensions to the screen height...AND to the screen orientation. Nightmare. Even with a relative layout, it was nearly impossible, because the hidden parts of the image were never correctly aligned.
So I had to work differently: The picture had to be moved left and top, by 20%. How to do that?
- In the layout.xml file :
Insert the ImageView inside a RelativeLayout
Give the relative layout an ID
Configure the ImageView to make it fit its container RelativeLayout's width and height (layout_width="wrap_content" and layout_height="wrap_content")
<RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/accueil_litebannerlayout" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <ImageView android:id="@+id/accueil_litebanner" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:scaleType="fitXY" android:src="@drawable/lite_banner" /> </RelativeLayout>
In your class file :
//get screen dimensions Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); Point size = new Point(); display.getSize(size); int ScreenWidth = size.x; int ScreenHeight = size.y; //set the desired height of the rubber, based on screen's height int myLayoutWidthAndHeight=ScreenHeight/4; //get rubber PNG image dimensions BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inJustDecodeBounds=true; BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.lite_banner,options); int imageHeight = options.outHeight; int imageWidth = options.outWidth; //redux_factor has to be calculated, because if the image is reduced, then the translation has to be adapted double redux_factor=1; if (myLayoutWidthAndHeight<imageWidth) { redux_factor=(double)myLayoutWidthAndHeight/imageWidth; } //determine by how many pixels left and top (same) the image will have to be translated double translation_percents=.22; double myCroppedMargin_double=imageWidth*translation_percents*redux_factor; int myCroppedMargin=(int) Math.round(myCroppedMargin_double); //get the image layout RelativeLayout litebannerlayout=(RelativeLayout) this.findViewById(; //change its parameters (width, height, leftMargin, topMargin) RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params=new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(myLayoutWidthAndHeight,myLayoutWidthAndHeight); params.setMargins(-myCroppedMargin, -myCroppedMargin, 0,0); litebannerlayout.setLayoutParams(params);
Arghhh. It works...
You can use this sample code to move an imageView out of the screen, either based on a percentage, or a pixel count. This code can also be adapted to put the rubber/banner in the topright, bottomleft, bottomright corners.
OK, let's move on to something else...
Answered By - philippe
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