I want to create android virtual device for Google Nexus from the console. Now I'm using command
android -s create avd -n %avd_name% -t 1 -p %work_dir%\devices\%avd_name% -f -s 480x800
The result is not the same as if I've craeted it in the sdk manager. I wonder, how I could create avd based on device defenition "Galaxy Nexus" from the console.
You can use the avdmanager to list all the device definitions available on your system
$ avdmanager list devices
Then you can use the device index or id to create the avd.
For example, the following command creates a new avd named "nexus9" using the x86 system image for API level 25 based on the google nexus 9 definition
avdmanager create avd -n google9 -k "system-images;android-25;google_apis;x86" -d "Nexus 9"
- -n avd name
- -k sdk id
- -d device definition
Answered By - Javier Rojano
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