I need to find first element in a list which fits predicate. But I need to check with it position in predicate.
list.findXXX { index, item ->
index > 19 &&
Is there such a function?
There is no such function yet, but you can easily write one yourself. It is not a lot of effort at all.
public inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.findIndexed(predicate: (Int, T) -> Boolean): T? {
forEachIndexed { i, e -> if (predicate(i, e)) return e }
return null
Alternatively, in general you can use a filterIndexed
to first filter out the indexes that you want to exclude:
// .asSequence() // if you want to be lazy
.filterIndexed { i, _ -> i > 19 }
.find { item -> }
In fact, you could just put the entire condition in filterIndexed
and use firstOrNull
afterwards. It just may not read as nicely as find
Of course in this specific case you can also just drop
the first 20.
Answered By - Sweeper
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