I am developing an app (that uses SQLite) in Android Studio 2.3 on Mac OS and would like to view the SQLite database, but can't seem to find the sqlite file. Where are the AVM files and specifically the sqlite file?
I found the AVD folder
/Users/<my name>/.android/avd/Pixel_XL_API_26.avd
but can't find the user generated data. Any suggestions?
You could always include methods to find out information about the database.
For example you can query the sqlite_master table e.g. :-
Cursor csr = db.query("sqlite_master",null,null,null,null,null,null);
which equates to :-
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master
The are PRAGMA statments that allow you to interrogate/change internals PRAGMA Statements.
Note use rawQuery
to obtain information into a cursor but use execSQL
to make changes e.g. to set and get user_version (Database Version) respectively:-
db.execSQL("PRAGMA user_version=" + Integer.toString(version));
Cursor csr = db.rawQuery("PRAGMA user_version",null);
You could also look at the data, output to the log, in the tables with something based upon (where tablename would be changed to the appropriate tablename) :-
Cursor csr = db.query("tablename",null,null,null,null,null,null);
String logdata;
while (csr.moveToNext()) {
Log.d("DBINFO","Row " + csr.getPosition());
logdata = "";
for (int i =0; i < csr.getColumnCount(); i++) {
String val;
try {
val = csr.getString(i);
catch (Exception e) {
val = "unobtainable";
logdata = logdata + "\t\nColumn Name=" +
csr.getColumnName(i) +
" Value=" + val;
Note! this only uses getString
so will not properly represent some values e.g. double's and floats, if a BLOB then the value will be unobtainable.
Answered By - MikeT
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