Following list shows the x,y coordinates and particular method used to create a Path.
0 0 moveTO
180 0 lineTo
180 0 moveTO
246 227, 127 24, 115 150 cubicTo 127 276, 246 71, 180 300
cubicTo180 300 moveTO
44 261, 166 332, 90 339 cubicTo
14 332, 136 261, 0 300 cubicTo
0 300 moveTO
0 0 lineTo
Raw data points
x = [0, 180, 180, 246, 127, 115, 127, 246, 180, 180, 44, 166, 90, 14, 136, 0, 0, 0]
y = [0, 0, 0, 227, 24, 150, 276, 71, 300, 300, 261, 332, 339, 332, 261, 300, 300, 0]
Idea of this algo is to draw four sides. Two sides are straight lines. Other two sides are composed of bezier curves having seven points in each curve. This is drawn using 1 moveTo and 2 cubicTo methods.
Currently it creates a closed irregular shape if I use Paint.Style.STROKE. When it is drawn on the canvas using Paint.Style.FILL, it fills up only a part of the shape leaving a large square part empty in the middle. Some parts that is been filled are out of the shape closed area.
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
My objective is to draw a bitmap covering this closed area. However, because the fill path does not fill the area correctly my objective cannot be achieved.
Is there a way to realize this.
Please post your actual code. It's unclear from your formatting if you're calling moveTo or lineTo after arriving at the set of points or before.
The moveTo calls are unnecessary, the lineTo and cubicTo calls already move you to the new point.
Your code:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
p.moveTo(0, 0);
p.lineTo(180, 0);
p.moveTo(180, 0);
p.cubicTo(246, 227, 127, 24, 115, 150);
p.cubicTo(127, 276, 246, 71, 180, 300);
p.moveTo(180, 300);
p.cubicTo(44, 261, 166, 332, 90, 339);
p.cubicTo(14, 332, 136, 261, 0, 300);
p.moveTo(0, 300);
p.lineTo(0, 0);
canvas.drawPath(p, paint);
produced this:
Removing the moveTo calls (and using close() instead of lineTo(0,0)):
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
p.lineTo(180, 0);
p.cubicTo(246, 227, 127, 24, 115, 150);
p.cubicTo(127, 276, 246, 71, 180, 300);
p.cubicTo(44, 261, 166, 332, 90, 339);
p.cubicTo(14, 332, 136, 261, 0, 300);
canvas.drawPath(p, paint);
produced this:
Answered By - griffinjm
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