Well a windows 10 update broke sleep, the computer went to sleep with the emulator open and now that's broken. When I run an app to launch in the emulator it will boot the emulator but won't install just time out. When I try and run an app into a running emulator instance Studio says: device unauthorized.
This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.
Error while Installing APK
- I've followed some of the other threads here. I've tried changing the environmental variable in control panel, but in fact I think it pointed to the right place originally, where the sdks are these days.
- I've tried restarting the PC. I did try deleting a couple of adb files, that didn't work.
- I've tried deleting all the sdks and downloading them again.
- I've tried uninstalling and updating Android Studio, several times. Now on AS 3.1, still not working.
Bit of a nightmare really.
How do I set the vendor keys? Using AS console commands? Can anyone point me to a dummies guide, this is a bit of a tangent for me, wish I could fix it from the GUI.
OK so eventually downloading a nexus 4 x86 image android 27, with no play store worked. Sorry if this is repetition. Long live working emulators
Answered By - Sam
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