I have a content uri of an audio file, which I got it from chooser intent.
I just saved the above uri on database.
Now, when user opens my app again. I need to inform him whether the last mp3 file which he selected exists or not. If exists then only I must allow him to continue else I need to inform to download the file again.
but I stuck here completely, I'm not getting how to check a file exist or not with its content uri.
Kindly, help me to solve my issue.
Method 1 :-
Ok, Since Android team decided to deprecate getExternalStorageDirectory
for security reason. Lot of things are not properly addressed by them.
for the question I don't find any proper answer. Anyhow here is a workaround by using deprecated method.
var uri = Uri.parse("content://")
var vidPath = uri.path
vidPath = vidPath?.replace("external_files",Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString())
val file = File(vidPath)
if (file.exists()) {
println("log yes $file")
} else {
println("log no $file")
This will work fine, but using this is left to you because of deprecated method.
Method 2 :-
one more way is to use ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT
then in onActivityResult
it must add
val contentResolver = applicationContext.contentResolver
val takeFlags: Int = Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION or
contentResolver.takePersistableUriPermission(selectedVideoUri!!, takeFlags)
Then, finally with the content uri
which is not expired, one can check for file existance.
Answered By - Vikas Acharya
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