Here I have two devices:
- 960x540 device - normal hdpi -> 640dp x 360dp
- 1920x1080 device - normal xxhdpi -> 640dp x 360dp
On android 4.1+ resources qualifiers are:
- values-sw360dp-hdpi
- values-sw360dp-xxhdpi
And it all works flawlessly.
But on API 15 by tests application gets resources from folder with highest dpi available, but not best match, so first device receives resources from full hd device.
Is any way, additional param to fix this bug?
Work around: mark resources with swXXX as swXXX-v16 and provide resources like in android 2.x e.g. drawable-normal-hdpi this is the only way i found to fix this behavior.
Answered By - curioushikhov
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