I have 50 styled buttons with identificators like "level_i", I need to enable button with certain i in id. I have code to work with indexed aarays in string xml, but I have no proper ideas how to change it for my usage
Class<> res;
Field field;
try {
res = R.array.class;
field = res.getField("words_" + fname);
//set myString to the string resource myArray[fname,y]
myString = getResources().obtainTypedArray(field.getInt(null)).getString(y);
catch (Exception e) {
I believe you are saying that you have an ID resource named "words_" + fname
for example
. If that is correct, then you can first get the ID using the name of the resource with getIdentifier. Then you can get the actual ID, then you can find the view with that ID:
String resName = "words_" + fname";
Resources res = getResources();
int resId = res.getIdentifier(resName, "id", getPackageName());
View button = findViewById(resId);
Modified original answer to fetch resources from rather than R.string-array.
Answered By - Bruce
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