Where do I find the Android "Up" button drawable so that I can customize it? Or what is its filename, so that I can do a quick search to locate it within a sdk directory?
As you can see in default style (at the end), ActionBar
style uses this:
<style name="Widget.Holo.Light.ActionBar" parent="Widget.Holo.ActionBar">
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@android:drawable/ic_ab_back_holo_light</item>
You can find the layout resource used to display the Up and App icon on your ActionBar. The positioning of these elements (Up and App icon) are hard-coded into the layout resources, it might be difficult to change or customize it.. However, you didn't explain a lot, so I'll try to answer on possible customizations.
You can customize the Up indicator in your style and put your own icon as follows:
<style name="Theme" parent="@style/Theme.Holo.Light">
<item name="android:homeAsUpIndicator">@drawable/ic_up_indicator</item>
Note: it must be in the parent style, not in ActionBar's style.
Then, if you want to resize the padding between Up and icon, you have these solutions:
- Create a custom view and hide the built home navigation (see an example).
- Change it with setPadding dynamically (however, this have to be used on each activity, and it's a bit messy).
- Use a drawable layer-list and replace the homeAsUpIndicator theme (described here).
Finally, you can get this icon on Android Drawable's website and also in /res/drawable-xxx named ic_ab_back_holo_light_am.png
and ic_ab_back_holo_dark_am.png
And since MaterialDesign, you can find this icon on Material Design Icons named "arrow-left".
I hope this will be useful.
Answered By - Blo
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