Here is what I have:
In res/drawable-hdpi I have this image:
In res/values I have this file:
<string-array name="articles_images_thumbnail_array">
I want to get the id of my image from the string-array (I will have more than one image)
Now when I tried that in code, I got only the path to the image as a String:
This is my tried code:
id = resources.getStringArray(R.array.articles_images_thumbnail_array)[articleIndex];
The above Java code returns the path as String, But I want the id of the ar_contact image so I can use it as such:
I have tried to use integer-array but I got only a 0 value for all my images.
You should instead use a TypedArray
as said in Resources API guides :
<array name="articles_images_thumbnail_array">
Then retrieve the array like this :
TypedArray array = getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.articles_images_thumnail_array);
Drawable myDrawable = array.getDrawable(0); // Returns @drawable/ar_contact
Answered By - Antoine Marques
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