I need to populate ListView
with icon and their title. I have created array in resources for menu icon and their title like:
For titles:
<array name="menu_title_array">
For icons:
<array name="menu_icons_array">
I have created a drawable for each icon using xml selector drawable like:
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@drawable/icon_name_disabled" android:state_enabled="false"/>
<item android:drawable="@drawable/icon_name_press" android:state_pressed="true"/>
<item android:drawable="@drawable/icon_name_press" android:state_activated="true"/>
<item android:drawable="@drawable/icon_name"/>
Now I am creating a list of MenuItems that contains title
and drawable
from array that I have created menu_title_array
and menu_icons_array
TypedArray titles = getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.menu_title_array);
TypedArray icons = getResources().obtainTypedArray(R.array.menu_icons_array);
for (int index = 0; index < menuRowText.length(); mainMenuIndex++) {
menuRowItemList.add(new MenuRowItem(icons.getDrawable(index), titles.getString(index ));
Now I am setting title and their icon in adapter getView()
method like this:
Now if I select a menu item then state of the icon should change according to the <selector>
I had created for it. But it's not changing it's state.
If I create a StateListDrawable
for each menu item like:
StateListDrawable states = new StateListDrawable();
states.addState(new int[] {android.R.attr.state_pressed},
states.addState(new int[] {android.R.attr.state_activated},
states.addState(new int[] { },
and apply it to list icon like:
then it is working correctly as it's changing it's state activated, pressed.
Please suggest where I am going wrong, I not want to create icon drawable using StateListDrawable
for each MenuItem, as there will be lot of boiler plate code in app.
ListView is populating using List<MenuRowItem>
. Here is the structure of following pojo:
class MenuRowItem {
private Drawable drawable;
private String title;
MenuRowItem(Drawable drawable, String title) {
this.drawable = drawable;
this.title = title;
public Drawable getDrawable() {
return drawable;
public String getText() {
return mText;
Let me know if more details needed.
Solved issue by keeping the id
of drawable
in MenuRowItem
instead of keeping Drawable
Here is POJO for MenuRowItem
class MenuRowItem {
private int drawableResourceId;
private String title;
MenuRowItem(int resourceId, String title) {
this.drawableResourceId = resourceId;
this.title = title;
public int getResourceId() {
return drawableResourceId;
public String getText() {
return mText;
I beleive state of Drawable(enable, activated, normal)
loss while keeping the drawable as object.
Hence I kept resourceId of drawable in POJO and set drawable to ImageView in adapter using:
Hope it would help someone. Let me know if more info needed
Answered By - Sagar Trehan
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