I'm trying to test my project using BDD and therefore im using Cucumber. The problem is, that when I want to test ProductController i can't properly mock my ProductService and i get NullPointerException - my service is null. Below is code for my steps.
public class ProductControllerSteps {
long productId;
Product product;
MockMvc mockMvc;
ProductService service;
private ResultActions result;
@Given("user has a valid product id")
public void user_has_a_valid_product_id() {
productId = 1L;
product = new Product();
@When("user makes GET request")
public void user_makes_get_request() throws Exception {
result = mockMvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/api/products/"+productId).accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)).andDo(print());
@Then("system returns product data")
public void system_returns_product_data() throws Exception {
As i seen in cucumber guides i also created such a classes for cucumber configuration:
@ConfigurationParameter(key = PLUGIN_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "pretty")
public class RunCucumberTest {
and also:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = ShopApiApplication.class)
public class SpringGlue{
I'm trying to mock my service with mockito, yet every kind of configuration does not work and result in null pointer exception, i dont have any idea how to make it work.
The class annotated with @CucumberContextConfiguration
is used to configure the Spring application context using Springs Test Context Framework Manager. This includes setting up mocks through the MockitoTestExecutionListener
Declaring a mock bean can be done with an annoatation on the SpringGlue
class. It is also possible to declare mocks by adding fields to the class and annotating those.
@ContextConfiguration(classes = ShopApiApplication.class)
public class SpringGlue {
And because of that the MockBean
annotation on the ProductControllerSteps
does not do anything. This class should look like:
public class ProductControllerSteps {
MockMvc mockMvc;
ProductService service;
The autowired service will be a mock so you can use Mockito.when(...)
as normal.
Note: If you have multiple features they'll all use the same context configuration. If you need multiple configurations, multiple runners are needed with different glue configurations.
Answered By - M.P. Korstanje
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