English is not my native language; please excuse typing errors.
I have two questions
Q1: ForceCoordinateSystemIterator.class next() method why not return the original SimpleFeature but retype the SimpleFeature?
Q2: when use ForceCoordinateSystemIterator I cannot retrieve the original object to update this default geometry. what would be the best way to do that?
FeatureJSON featureJSON = new FeatureJSON(new GeometryJSON(15));
InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("/arjen_data/rust/2.geojson"));
SimpleFeatureIterator simpleFeatureCollection2 = (SimpleFeatureCollection) featureJSON.readFeatureCollection(is);
try (SimpleFeatureIterator fit = simpleFeatureCollection2.features()) {
while (fit.hasNext()) {
// fit is ForceCoordinateSystemIterator.class
SimpleFeature next =; // is retype object
Geometry defaultGeometry = (Geometry) next.getDefaultGeometry();
Geometry intersection = defaultGeometry.difference(union);
// update default Geometry
i read ForceCoordinateSystemIterator.class next() method source code. I have the two questions mentioned above now.
public SimpleFeature next() throws NoSuchElementException {
if (reader == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Reader has already been closed");
SimpleFeature next =;
if (builder == null) return next;
try {
// why retype? original object is bad?
return SimpleFeatureBuilder.retype(next, builder);
} catch (IllegalAttributeException eep) {
throw (IllegalStateException)
new IllegalStateException(eep.getMessage()).initCause(eep);
I suspect the answer is to do with mutable and immutable objects with in the library, a FeatureType
(schema) is immutable and the schema of an Feature
includes information about the CRS of the Geometry
objects so if you change the schema you must change the feature.
I suspect your life would be easier if you use the gt-geojson-store
to get a "proper" GeoJSON datastore rather than using gt-geojson
which is (also) unsupported but even less well supported. However, that won't let you modify the default geometry to update the collection either (I think). You probably want to checkout this tutorial.
Answered By - Ian Turton
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