My UI designer has come up with a design like this for a progress bar:
The numbers should be the progress and max.
The circle image will change. On some of the designs there is also an image next to the 1500.
Whenever I try to do this on a layer-list
I always end up with the image in the middle of the drawable. Ideally I would prefer to use vector graphics but I can use png if needed. I haven't even looked at putting the numbers there yet.
So how can this be accomplished?
Thank you.
Using canvas seems to me easier for this case. Here a short sample i could come up with right now:
public class Loading extends View {
private final static float VIEW_HEIGHT = 80;
private RectF viewRectangle;
private RectF progressRectangle;
private float cornersRadius;
private Paint progressBarPaint;
private Paint progressTextPaint;
private Paint containerBarPaint;
private Paint containerTextPaint;
private final int progressMaxValue = 1500;
private float containerTextY;
private float containerTextX;
private final float whiteCircleRadius = 14;
private final float progressTextPadding = 16;
private float progress;
public Loading(Context context) {
progress = 0.5f;
containerTextPaint = new Paint(progressTextPaint);
progressBarPaint = new Paint(ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
containerBarPaint = new Paint(ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
protected void onSizeChanged(int width, int height, int oldWidth, int oldHeight) {
int horizontalPadding = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
int verticalPadding = getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom();
float measuredHeight = height - verticalPadding;
float targetHeight = measuredHeight < VIEW_HEIGHT ? measuredHeight : VIEW_HEIGHT;
float containerWidth = width - horizontalPadding;
viewRectangle = new RectF(getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop(), containerWidth, targetHeight);
progressRectangle = new RectF(viewRectangle);
cornersRadius = targetHeight / 2;
String maxValueText = String.valueOf(progressMaxValue);
Rect containerTextBounds = new Rect();
containerTextPaint.getTextBounds(maxValueText, 0, maxValueText.length(), containerTextBounds);
containerTextX = viewRectangle.right - containerTextBounds.width() - cornersRadius / 2;
containerTextY = viewRectangle.centerY() - containerTextBounds.exactCenterY();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
float progressWidth = viewRectangle.right * progress;
float cornerDiameter = cornersRadius * 2;
progressRectangle.right = progressWidth > cornerDiameter ? progressWidth : cornerDiameter;
canvas.drawRoundRect(viewRectangle, cornersRadius, cornersRadius, containerBarPaint);
canvas.drawRoundRect(progressRectangle, cornersRadius, cornersRadius, progressBarPaint);
canvas.drawCircle(progressRectangle.right - cornersRadius, progressRectangle.centerY(), whiteCircleRadius, progressTextPaint);
canvas.drawText(String.valueOf(progressMaxValue), containerTextX, containerTextY, containerTextPaint);
String progressText = String.valueOf((int) (progressMaxValue * progress));
float progressTextWidth = progressTextPaint.measureText(progressText);
if (progressTextWidth < progressRectangle.right * 2) {
float requiredProgressTextSpace = cornersRadius + whiteCircleRadius + progressTextPadding + progressTextWidth;
canvas.drawText(progressText, progressRectangle.right - requiredProgressTextSpace, containerTextY, progressTextPaint);
It's far from perfect and not very flexible, but a good place to start with. If you need some comments here, feel free to ask. Here the render of the code above:
Answered By - The Dreams Wind
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