I was using Eclipse for a while to develop a Java/web project, we have some scripts with the ending .launch. The file to be launched starts with the following two lines:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
> <launchConfiguration
> type="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.localJavaApplication">
Now I have started to work with IntelliJ?
steps to launch eclipse launcher in intellij
- download the plugin
- install it in intellij
- restart intellij
- right click .launch
- click "convert with eclipser"
- check run/debug configurations, an new application process should be added
- check working directory is correct or not, if not fix it
- run that process, eclipse launcher can be executed
Here is the recipe to launch it using eclipser
How do I run an Eclipse launcher file in IntelliJ IDEA?
Answered By - dchan
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