I have this function in a react-native (typescript) app :
import { LoginProps } from '../types';
export const signOut = async (auth: Auth, nav: LoginProps['navigation'], setUser: any) => {
try {
await auth.signOut();
} catch (error) {
This function works as intended but if I comment or delete this line : await auth.signOut();
I got this error : The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload {"name":"Login"} was not handled by any navigator.
Same thing if I try to just navigate without doing anything else in the function.
I don't understand how these two lines are linked and why the first is necessary for the second to works...
I encountered this problem while testing things to resolve this post.
Here are my types :
export type RootStackParamList = {
Home: undefined;
Login: undefined;
Register: undefined;
Game: { roomId: string | null };
export type NavigationProps<T extends keyof RootStackParamList> = {
navigation: StackNavigationProp<RootStackParamList, T>;
export type HomeProps = NavigationProps<'Home'>;
export type LoginProps = NavigationProps<'Login'>;
export type RegisterProps = NavigationProps<'Register'>;
export type GameProps = NavigationProps<'Game'>;
please take a look here :
I think only this line work to navigate to Login
await auth.signOut();
Not this line:
Because if auth = null, the Navigator
automatically choose LoginScreen
. So the code nav.navigate('Login');
were redundant, you dont need it.
That why's you can not navigate to Login
by comment this line await auth.signOut();
Answered By - famfamfam
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