In my res/drawawble directory in eclipse I have named my png files py (1), py (2)... py (120)! I am unable to run my application on my emulator because the file has killed itself due to my improper naming of my png files. Is there a way for me to rename all my files quickly as opposed to renaming them one at a time?
Under Linux and Win32/Cygwin there is Midnight Commander (mc
) which allows you to rename files like that (you will have to specify the "source mask"). Probably you also could do that using Far Manager (on Win), not sure. You definitely could do that using a bash script. Probably you also can write up a .bat file for batch renaming -- it should be possible, but I'm not sure about Windows stuff.
With mc
gave me
keys: Ins to select/unselect 1 file, Gray + to select files by mask (Gray -/Gray * to unselect/invert), F6 to rename/move.
After renaming, you will have to refresh the workspace.
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