I put a ViewPager with transparent background over another background view, and when the ViewPager scrolls, I change the background view's color with a smooth color transition, for example:
- On page 1, the background is RED.
- When ViewPager scrolls from page 1 to page 2, I replace the background with a LayerDrawable, RED on top, BLUE at the bottom.
- During scroll, I reduced the alpha of top layer, showing a transition from RED to BLUE.
- Finally, on page 2, after scrolling finishes, I change background to BLUE.
It works as expected when I scroll from left to right, but when I scroll left, it seems the bottom and up layers are reversed.
Here is my code:
private int[] colors = {Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.CYAN};
private int currentPage;
private LayerDrawable layersDrawable;
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {
}else if(state==ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE){
currentPage = pager.getCurrentItem();
setBackground(new ColorDrawable(colors[currentPage%4]));
layersDrawable = null;
public void onPageScrolled(int pos, float positionOffset, int positionPixels) {
if(positionOffset==0) return;
int bottomColor;
Log.i("POSITION", currentPage+" "+pos);
//scroll left
bottomColor = colors[(currentPage+3)%4];
bottomColor = colors[(currentPage+1)%4];
ColorDrawable bottom = new ColorDrawable(bottomColor);
ColorDrawable top = new ColorDrawable(colors[currentPage%4]);
Log.i("COLOR", "TOP:"+colors[currentPage%4]);
Drawable[] layers = {bottom, top};
layersDrawable = new LayerDrawable(layers);
ColorDrawable top = (ColorDrawable)layersDrawable.getDrawable(1);
This is really weird... Can you figure out what I did wrong?
It was stupid of me, I found out positionOffset
is actually the percentage of page on the left shown, so when scrolling left,
should be changed to:
Answered By - NeoWang
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