As of 15/2/2012 I have yet to find a good explanation to nor a reason why this does not work. The closest to a solution is to use the traditional Thread approach, but then why include a class that does not (seem to) work in the Android SDK?
Evenin' SO!
I have an AsyncTask subclass:
// ParseListener had a callback which was called when an item was parsed in a
// RSS-xml, but as stated further down it is not used at all right now.
private class xmlAsync extends AsyncTask<String, RSSItem, Void> implements ParseListener
That is executed like this:
xmlAsync xmlThread = new xmlAsync();
Now this subclass has run into a little error. Previously it did some xml-parsing, but when I noticed that it's doInBackground() wasn't called I stripped it down, line by line, finally ending up with just this:
protected Void doInBackground(String... params)
Log.v(TAG, "doInBackground");
return null;
Which, for some reason, logged nothing. However, I added this:
protected void onPreExecute()
Log.v(TAG, "onPreExecute");
And that line is indeed logged when executing the thread. So somehow onPreExecute() is called but not doInBackground(). I have another AsyncTask running in the background at the same time which works just fine.
I'm currently running the app on an emulator, SDK Version 15, Eclipse, Mac OS X 10.7.2, close to the North Pole.
protected void onProgressUpdate(RSSItem... values) {
if(values[0] == null)
// activity function which merely creates a dialog
Log.v(TAG, "adding "+values[0].toString());
_tableManager.addRSSItem() more or less adds a row to a SQLiteDatabase, initialized with the activity's context. publishProgress() is called by the Interface ParseListener's callback. However, since I don't even do anything except log.v in doInBackground() I first found this unnecessary to even bring up.
Alright, just to be perfectly clear, this is the other AsyncTask, executing in the same activity and working perfectly fine.
private class dbAsync extends AsyncTask<Void, RSSItem, Void>
Integer prevCount;
boolean run;
protected void onPreExecute() {
run = true;
protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
run = true;
prevCount = 0;
ArrayList<RSSItem> items = _tableManager.getAllItems();
if(items != null)
if(items.size() > prevCount)
Log.v("db Thread", "Found new item(s)!");
prevCount = items.size();
RSSItem[] itemsArray = new RSSItem[items.size()];
return null;
protected void onProgressUpdate(RSSItem... values) {
ArrayList<RSSItem> list = new ArrayList<RSSItem>();
for(int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
list.add(i, values[i]);
protected void onCancelled() {
run = false;
Sigh, sorry I'm bad at asking questions. But here is the initialization of the Tasks.
xmlAsync _xmlParseThread;
dbAsync _dbLookup;
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
_dbLookup = new dbAsync();
_xmlParseThread = new xmlAsync();
_xmlParseThread.execute("", null);
Matthieu's solution will work fine for most, but some can face problem; unless digging in many links provided here or from web, like Anders Göransson's explanation. I am trying to summarize some other reads right here and quickly explain solution if executeOnExecutor is still working in single thread...
Behavior of AsyncTask().execute();
has changed through Android versions. Before Donut (Android:1.6 API:4) tasks were executed serially, from Donut to Gingerbread (Android:2.3 API:9) tasks executed paralleled; since Honeycomb (Android:3.0 API:11) execution was switched back to sequential; a new method AsyncTask().executeOnExecutor(Executor)
however, was added for parallel execution.
In sequential processing all Async tasks run in a single thread and thus have to wait before the previous task ends. If you need to execute code immediately, you need tasks to be processed in parallel in separate threads.
With AsyncTask serial execution is not available between Donut and Honeycomb versions, while parallel execution is not available before Donut.
For parallel processing after Donut: Check the Build version and based on that use .execute() or .executeOnExecutor() method. Following code can help...
AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void> myTask = new AsyncTask<Void,Void,Void>() { ... }; // ... your AsyncTask code goes here
Function .executeOnExecutor()
has checks if targetSdkVersion
of project is less than or equal to HONEYCOMB_MR1
(Android:2.1 API:7) then it forces the executor to be THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR
(which runs Tasks sequentially in post Honeycomb).
If you have not defined a targetSdkVersion
then minSdkVersion
is automatically considered to be the targetSdkVersion
Hence for running your AsyncTask in parallel on post Honeycomb you cannot leave targetSdkVersion
Answered By - EMalik
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