Hey guys I know this is a common problem, Im using a AsyncTaskActivity to have a JSON parser parse some json behind the scences of a app and pump a listview with an arrayadapter. This is my code code in my My screen flickers whenever I get to the belwo activity.
this.setTitle("Activity Schedule");
//Log.e("ID see schedule#",getIntent().getExtras().getString("id#"));
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(see_schedule_activity.this);
StringRequest request = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, httpUpdateRoutines, new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
Toast.makeText(see_schedule_activity.this, "" + response, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Toast.makeText(see_schedule_activity.this, "Data Not Fetched " + error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}) {
protected Map<String, String> getParams() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
//Log.e("ID see schedule#",getIntent().getExtras().getString("id#"));
map.put("residentid", getIntent().getExtras().getString("id#"));
return map;
new AsyncTaskParseJson(this).execute();
ArrayList<String> schedulelist = getIntent().getExtras().getStringArrayList("tasks_filled");
ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
R.layout.activity_listview, schedulelist);
ListView listView = (ListView) findViewById(;
public class AsyncTaskParseJson extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
private Context c;
String schedule;
String activityid;
String routine;
String[] tasks;
ArrayList<String> schedulelist = new ArrayList<String>();
final String TAG = "";
// set your json string url here
String yourJsonStringUrl = "";
// contacts JSONArray
JSONArray dataJsonArr = null;
public AsyncTaskParseJson(Context applicationContext) {
protected void onPreExecute() {}
protected String doInBackground(String... arg0) {
try {
HashMap<Integer, String> hm = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
-----------------------some hash -----------------
// instantiate our json parser
JsonParser jParser = new JsonParser();
// get json string from url
JSONObject json = jParser.getJSONFromUrl(yourJsonStringUrl);
// get the array of users
dataJsonArr = json.getJSONArray("schedule");
// loop through all users
for (int i = 0; i < dataJsonArr.length(); i++) {
Log.e("doInBackground","YOU GOT HERE");
JSONObject c = dataJsonArr.getJSONObject(i);
// Storing each json item in variable
activityid = c.getString("activityid");
-------------------------------Pasres object c --------------
Intent intent = new Intent(c,see_schedule_activity.class);
-- passes back arraylist -------------- intent.putStringArrayListExtra("tasks_filled",schedulelist);
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String strFromDoInBg) {
// Intent intent = new Intent(see_schedule_activity.this,see_schedule_activity.class);
// intent.putExtra("tasks_filled",tasks);
// this.c.startActivity(intent);
// ((Activity)c).finish();
I did a bit of troubleshotting and found out the error has to do with the placement of the intent that's passed a array list. But here's the problem, if I put it in the doinBackground() the screen flashes rapidly (which is prolly becuase it keeeps calling the (setContentView(R.layout.activity_see_schedule_activity);) but if I keep it in onPostExcute nothing happens (hte arraylist isnt pumping the listview). So im a bit stumped, any help would be appreciated thanks!
As I said in my comment, you enter a recursive call between the activity and the AsyncTask as you start the same activity again with an Intent. Instead, as you already pass the activity instance to the AsyncTask, simply create an update method in the activity and use that from the AsyncTask:
// field in see_schedule_activity
private ArrayAdapter<String> adapter;
// which you'll initialize in onCreate()
// with an empty list, as you don't yet have the data
adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
R.layout.activity_listview, new ArrayList<>());
ListView listView = (ListView) findViewById(;
... rest of onCreate()
public void update(List<String> results) {
Then implement correctly the AsyncTask:
public class AsyncTaskParseJson extends AsyncTask<String, Void, List<String>> {
private see_schedule_activity activity;
//... the rest
public AsyncTaskParseJson(see_schedule_activity activity) {
this.activity = activity;
protected List<String> doInBackground(String... arg0) {
// create scheduleList
return scheduleList;
protected void onPostExecute(List<String> results) {
This is not a good implementation of the AsyncTask but should get you going.
Answered By - user
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