I want to return a Boolean after a AsyncTask.
This is the AsyncTask (not the whole code because isn't important and sstackoverflow give me error):
public class CallSoap extends AsyncTask<CallSoapParams, Void, Void> {
public interface AsyncResponse {
void processFinish(String output);
private Context activityContext;
public AsyncResponse delegate = null;//Call back interface
public CallSoap(Context context, AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
activityContext = context;
delegate = asyncResponse;
protected Void doInBackground(CallSoapParams... params) {
request = new SoapObject(params[0].NAMESPACE, params[0].METHOD_NAME);
// no important things
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) {
//dismiss ProgressDialog
protected void onPreExecute() {
//create and show ProgressDialog
And this is the implementation on Activity (not the whole code because isn't important and sstackoverflow give me error):
private boolean checkDataRegistrationByServer() {
if (NickNameExist()) {
return true;
Boolean r;
private boolean NickNameExist() {
CallSoapParams callParams = new CallSoapParams(NICKNAME_EXIST);
CallSoap NickNameExistCall = new CallSoap(RegistrationActivity.this, new CallSoap.AsyncResponse() {
public void processFinish(String output) {
Log.d("Response From AsyTask:", output);
if (output.equals(FALSE_RESPONSE)) {
r = false;
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), output + " - NickNameExistCall - Nick don't exist", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} else {
r = true;
return r;
I tried to create a global Boolean but the App crash. Someone can help me?
1) You don't have a response
variable anywhere, and doInBackground
has returned null instead of any response, so not clear how you got that value.
2) You can't return from that function. And your app crashes probably because Boolean
's can be null. boolean
's cannot. However, you should not attempt to make a global variable here because that's not how asynchronous code should run.
What you need is to pass the callback through the function
private void checkDataRegistrationByServer(String data, CallSoap.AsyncResponse callback) {
CallSoap nickNameExistCall = new CallSoap(RegistrationActivity.this, callback);
CallSoapParams callParams = new CallSoapParams(data);
final String nick = NICKNAME_EXIST;
checkDataRegistrationByServer(nick, new CallSoap.AsyncResponse() {
public void processFinish(String response) {
Log.d("Response From AsyncTask:", output);
boolean exists = !response.equals(FALSE_RESPONSE);
if (!exists) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), output + " - NickNameExistCall - Nick " + nick + " doesn't exist", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Note: If you make your AsyncTask just return a Boolean in the AsyncResponse you can shorten this code some.
Answered By - OneCricketeer
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