If I have only one style file in values folder and it contains items refer to items from dimens file then I don't get right result. Only if I will have style file in each values folder (MDPI, HDPI, etc) I will get right result.
That is a bit strange because for drawable I could have files only in one folder and resources for different DPI in other folders and it works fine. Could someone explain how Android search style items when I use references from dimens?
Here is a little example.
<style name="message_item_topic">
<item name="android:textSize">@dimen/message_id_topic</item>
<dimen name="message_id_topic">12sp</dimen>
<dimen name="message_id_topic">15sp</dimen>
If you were using px, cm, in, ... then a different dimens.xml in separate values-(l|m|h|xh|xxh)dpi would make sense.
Things are relative.
And there are too many devices around.
You'll never be sure your app will fit on EVERY existing device.
Some users will contact you and ask a fix for their device.
So, you'll read the specs, make an emulator, add the specific drawable/values and rerelease your app. Keep in mind that TABLETS will require special drawable/values folders.
Answered By - Phantômaxx
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