I have a small piece of code on Kotlin in which Producer is configured.
- properties
data class KafkaProperties (
var topic: String = "topic",
val kafka: KafkaProperties = KafkaProperties()
- record
class Event (val id: Long) {
- producer
class KafkaConfiguration (
private val properties: KafkaProperties
) {
fun initialProducerFactory(customizers: ObjectProvider<DefaultKafkaProducerFactoryCustomizer>):
ProducerFactory<String,Event> {
val producerProperties =
val factory =
.forEach {
customizer -> customizer.customize(factory)
return factory
private fun buildFactory(producerProperties: Map<String, Any>):
DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<String, Event> {
val factory = DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<String, Event>(producerProperties)
factory.keySerializer = StringSerializer()
val objectMapper = JacksonUtils.enhancedObjectMapper().disable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS)
val jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer<Event>(objectMapper)
factory.valueSerializer = jsonSerializer
val transactionIdPrefix =
if (transactionIdPrefix != null) {
return factory
- service
class ServiceImpl(
private val kafkaProperties: KafkaProperties,
private val producerFactory: ProducerFactory<String, Event>
) : Service {
private fun runPublishEventToKafka(Long id){
val eventRequest = Event(id)
val topic = kafkaProperties.topic
val producer = this.producerFactory.createProducer()
producer.send(ProducerRecord(topic, eventRequest))
I made a small blank in the test class
class ServiceImplTest {
private val kafkaProperties: KafkaProperties = mock()
private val producerFactory: ProducerFactory<String, Event> = mock()
fun setUp() {
// val producerFactory =
mock<ProducerFactory<String, Event>>()
// val eventRequest = Event(1L)
// val topicTest = "topic.test"
// val producer = producerFactory.createProducer()
// val send = producer.send(ProducerRecord(topicTest, eventClosureRequest))
).thenReturn(????) //fail
fun test(){
Who has any ideas on how to make a stub for calling a method -
producer.send (...)
class ServiceImplTest {
private val persistenceService: PersistenceService = mock()
private val kafkaProperties: KafkaProperties = mock()
val user = TestUserFactory().user()
lateinit var sut: ServiceImpl
fun setUp() {
val mockProducerFactory = mock<ProducerFactory<String, Event>>()
val mockProducer = mock<Producer<String, Event>>()
sut = ServiceImpl(
Here is another example of a class where mock had to be embedded to simulate calling the producer.send(.....) method
initializers = [RedisInit::class, DBContainerInit::class],
classes = [ServiceImpl::class, DataSourceConfiguration::class]
@Import(value = [CacheConfiguration::class])
class ServiceCacheTest {
private lateinit var persistenceService: PersistenceService
private lateinit var rService: RService
private lateinit var kafkaProperties: KafkaProperties
private lateinit var producerFactory: ProducerFactory<String, Event>
private lateinit var service: UserService
private lateinit var redisTemplate: StringRedisTemplate
fun setUp() {
val mockProducer =
mock<Producer<String, Event>>()
fun `should call......
Based on the answer provided below, I was able to get the expected behavior from the test.
You need to use a chain of mocks if you want that stubbed because you use a chain of ProducerFactory
-> Producer
-> send
. Both the ProducerFactory
and Producer
need to be mocked. One problem in your setup is you are calling producerFactory.createProducer()
on a mocked producerFactory
which should be returning null
by default.
This is how I would set it up
val producerFactory = mock<ProducerFactory<String, Event>>()
val mockProducer = mock<Producer<String, Event>()
You shouldn't be calling producerFactory.createProducer()
nor producer.send
directly in your mock setups.
You didn't specify the return type of send
so I'm leaving that blank, but the above should be valid if doesn't return anything. If you want to verify it was called then all you do is
Be forewarned that you didn't provide a lot of test code and you're still responsible for how the mock ProducerFactory
gets injected into the production code you're testing.
Answered By - possum
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