I am trying to create a basic app for implementing voice command features and have thus far got some basic functionality working. Currently if I say 'open voice command' this text appears in a TextView
field with the id result_text
I want to pass the text displayed in the TextView
into the EditText
field called TFusername
followed by automatically triggering a button press called bVoice
after 1-2 seconds.
Can this be easily implemented into my current code which I have shown below?
public class PocketSphinxActivity extends Activity implements RecognitionListener {
private static final String KWS_SEARCH = "wakeup";
/* Keyword we are looking for to activate menu */
private static final String KEYPHRASE = "open voice command"; //adjust this keyphrase!
private SpeechRecognizer recognizer;
private HashMap<String, Integer> captions;
ListView lv;
TextView tv;
EditText a;
Button b;
Button c;
public void onCreate(Bundle state) {
// Prepare the data for UI
captions = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
captions.put(KWS_SEARCH, R.string.kws_caption);
((TextView) findViewById(
.setText("Preparing the recognizer");
lv = (ListView) findViewById(;
a = (EditText) findViewById(;
b = (Button) findViewById(;
c = (Button)findViewById(;
// Recognizer initialization is a time-consuming and it involves IO,
// so we execute it in async task
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Exception>() {
protected Exception doInBackground(Void... params) {
try {
Assets assets = new Assets(PocketSphinxActivity.this);
File assetDir = assets.syncAssets();
} catch (IOException e) {
return e;
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Exception result) {
if (result != null) {
((TextView) findViewById(
.setText("Failed to init recognizer " + result);
} else {
public void onDestroy() {
* In partial result we get quick updates about current hypothesis. In
* keyword spotting mode we can react here, in other modes we need to wait
* for final result in onResult.
public void onPartialResult(Hypothesis hypothesis) {
if (hypothesis == null)
String text = hypothesis.getHypstr();
((TextView) findViewById(;
* This callback is called when we stop the recognizer.
public void onResult(Hypothesis hypothesis) {
((TextView) findViewById("");
if (hypothesis != null) {
String text = hypothesis.getHypstr();
makeText(getApplicationContext(), text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onBeginningOfSpeech() {
* We stop recognizer here to get a final result
public void onEndOfSpeech() {
if (!recognizer.getSearchName().equals(KWS_SEARCH))
private void switchSearch(String searchName) {
// If we are not spotting, start listening with timeout (10000 ms or 10 seconds).
if (searchName.equals(KWS_SEARCH))
recognizer.startListening(searchName, 10000);
String caption = getResources().getString(captions.get(searchName));
((TextView) findViewById(;
private void setupRecognizer(File assetsDir) throws IOException {
// The recognizer can be configured to perform multiple searches
// of different kind and switch between them
recognizer = defaultSetup()
.setAcousticModel(new File(assetsDir, "en-us-ptm"))
.setDictionary(new File(assetsDir, "cmudict-en-us.dict"))
// To disable logging of raw audio comment out this call (takes a lot of space on the device)
// Threshold to tune for keyphrase to balance between false alarms and misses
// Use context-independent phonetic search, context-dependent is too slow for mobile
.setBoolean("-allphone_ci", true)
/** In your application you might not need to add all those searches.
* They are added here for demonstration. You can leave just one.
// Create keyword-activation search.
recognizer.addKeyphraseSearch(KWS_SEARCH, KEYPHRASE);
public void onError(Exception error) {
((TextView) findViewById(;
public void onTimeout() {
I managed to fix this problem,
In the above code wherever it referred to TextView
and the result_field
, I just replaced it with EditText
and TFusername
Hope this makes it clearer for anyone else who stumbles across the same issue
Answered By - N MC
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