I am having trouble creating an ngIf statement in Angular. I am trying to show a div only when it would match a certain condition... but I keep getting this errorr in the browser console:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
What am I doing wrong?
My HTML is:
<div *ngIf="preSelectedPaymentOption[0].value === 3 && totalCartPrice > 380" class="payment-warning">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit!!!.</p>
This is how the data from the API looks like:
And here is the TS code how I'm getting the data:
getPaymentOptions() {
data => {
this.paymentData = data;
this.preSelectedPaymentOption = this.paymentData.payments.filter(option => option.default === 1);
console.log('Preselected payment method: ', => option));
}, error => {
console.log('Error', error);
Your preSelectedPaymentOption
might be undefined at the start so changing your condition to following should fix the issue
*ngIf="!!preSelectedPaymentOption?.length && preSelectedPaymentOption[0].value === 3 && totalCartPrice > 380"
Answered By - jitender
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