I have an Asynctask class that makes an API call and parses the JSON into a string for me. I then want to use this string in the Activity class and place in a string array. How can I go about this ?
fetchDataClass- Aysnc
public class fetchDataClass extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
String result = ""; //json result
String coinNamesParsed = "";//parsed attributes
String coinNames = ""; //String for each coinName with each iteration of
protected Void doInBackground(Void... voids) {
//Background Thread i.e API request
try {
URL url = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
InputStream inputStream = httpURLConnection.getInputStream();
//read result in from the connection
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new
String line = "";
//Loop that reads all lines and represents them to as a string
while (line != null) {
line = bufferedReader.readLine(); //read line of json and
//assign to "line" if not null
result = result + line;
//get the whole json object from the json file
JSONObject myJsonObj = new JSONObject(result);
//target the "result" Array of objects(BTC,LTC,ETH) and map them
//to a JsonArray for parsing
JSONArray myJsonArray = myJsonObj.getJSONArray("result");
//Itterate through the array and get the attributes of each
// object
for (int i = 0; i < myJsonArray.length(); i++) {
//for every object in the Array cast them and their
//attributes to another JSONobject
JSONObject myJsonObject = (JSONObject) myJsonArray.get(i);
//Single JSON object parsed each iteration and name
//attritbute is targeted
coinNames = myJsonObject.opt("MarketName") + "\n";
//add the parsed result to the string coinNamesParsed
coinNamesParsed = coinNamesParsed + coinNames + "\n";
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
//Runs on the UI thread after doInBackground()
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
//UI thread
This is the first class where the data is fetched and parsed. Here is the Activity in which I wish to use the result from the AsyncTask
**SearchActivity **
public class searchActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements
// Declare Variables
public static String coinNamesParesed = "";
ListView list;
coinAdapter adapter;
SearchView editsearch;
String[] coinNameList;
ArrayList<Coin> arraylist = new ArrayList<Coin>();
public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState){
Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;
*This is the string ARRAY i wish to contain the result of the
* */
coinNameList = new String[]{String data from Async HERE };
// Locate the ListView in content_search.xml
list = findViewById(;
for (int i = 0; i < coinNameList.length; i++) {
Coin coinNames = new Coin(coinNameList[i]);
// Binds all strings into an arraylist one by one
// Pass results to ListViewAdapter Class
adapter = new coinAdapter(this, arraylist);
// Binds the Adapter to the ListView
// Locate the EditText in listview_main.xml
editsearch = findViewById(;
private void setSupportActionBar(Toolbar toolbar) {
public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
//do something on text submit
return false;
public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
//do something when the text changes
String text = newText;
return false;
coin Adapter class
public class coinAdapter extends BaseAdapter {
// Declare Variables
Context mContext;
LayoutInflater inflater;
private List<Coin> coinNamesList = null;
private ArrayList<Coin> arraylist;
public coinAdapter(Context context, List<Coin> coinNamesList) {
mContext = context;
this.coinNamesList = coinNamesList;
inflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);
this.arraylist = new ArrayList<Coin>();
public class ViewHolder {
TextView name;
public int getCount() {
return coinNamesList.size();
public Coin getItem(int position) {
return coinNamesList.get(position);
public long getItemId(int position) {
return position;
public View getView(final int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) {
final ViewHolder holder;
if (view == null) {
holder = new ViewHolder();
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.content_search, null);
// Locate the TextViews in content_Search.xml = view.findViewById(;
} else {
holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag();
// Set the results into TextViews;
return view;
// Filter Class
public void filter(String charText) {
charText = charText.toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault());
if (charText.length() == 0) {
} else {
for (Coin wp : arraylist) {
if (wp.getCoinName().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()).contains(charText)) {
Thanks for your time in advance :)
You can set a listener to send your string result named "coinNamesParsed" back to origin activity, which execute asynctask named "fetchDataClass", then intent to searchActivity and also bring what you get at fetchDataClass.
public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState){
Toolbar toolbar = findViewById(;
list = findViewById(;
editsearch = findViewById(;
FetchDateListener listener = new FetchDateListener();
new fetchDataClass(listener).execute();
class FetchDateListener implements fetchDataClass.IFetchDateListener {
public void fetchDataResult(String coinNamesParsed) {
// coinNamesParsed what you get from fetchDataClass
coinNameList = new String[]{String data from Async HERE };
for (int i = 0; i < coinNameList.length; i++) {
Coin coinNames = new Coin(coinNameList[i]);
// Binds all strings into an arraylist one by one
// Pass results to ListViewAdapter Class
adapter = new coinAdapter(this, arraylist);
// Binds the Adapter to the ListView
// Locate the EditText in listview_main.xml
After edited sample code like this:
public class fetchDataClass extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, ArrayList<String>> {
interface IFetchDateListener {
void fetchDataResult(ArrayList<String> coinNamesParsed);
String result = ""; //json result
ArrayList<String> coinNamesParsed = new ArrayList<String>();//parsed attributes
String coinNames = ""; //String for each coinName with each iteration of
IFetchDateListener listener;
fetchDataClass(IFetchDateListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
protected ArrayList<String> doInBackground(Void... voids) { <-----this line
for (int i = 0; i < myJsonArray.length(); i++) {
//for every object in the Array cast them and their
//attributes to another JSONobject
JSONObject myJsonObject = (JSONObject) myJsonArray.get(i);
//Single JSON object parsed each iteration and name
//attritbute is targeted
coinNames = myJsonObject.opt("MarketName");
//add the parsed result to the string coinNamesParsed
return coinNamesParsed;//<------- you don't return what you catch
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (JSONException e) {
return null;
//Runs on the UI thread after doInBackground()
protected void onPostExecute(ArrayList<String> result) {
//UI thread
Answered By - Sean Lee
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